Add Official Twitter follow button on Blogger sidebar

Twitter officially released twitter follow button and it is similar to Retweet button. But here is given follow button with single click to follow on twitter. There is another options included to show the number of followers in our twitter accounts. The button comes with 9 languages. Follow these steps;

a) Go to Blogger Dashboard > Design tab > Page elements 
b) Click Add a Gadget on Sidebar 
c) Choose HTML/JavaScript past the copied code and save it 
Here is given the code: 
For light background code; 

For dark background code;
Note: Change Twitter ID “mshoeb99” with your Twitter ID 
You can go to this page. There you will see a form for you. Fill it with your required data. On right side copy the widget and past to side bar.

Click here if you want to add official Twitter follow button on Blogger post
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